Health-Athletic Photography and Naturopathic Medicine

Years of Photography centered around health (namely fitness and yoga) have brought my work to an exciting new place. Nearly all of my editorial pieces in the last year have been for yoga magazines such as LA Yoga, Yogitimes, and now OM Magazine. Look for my COVER shot of the inspirational teacher, Desiree Bartlett in OM Magazine this spring.

I have recently moved to San Diego to broaden my love of health to include a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine.  I am continuing my photography business and plan to utilize my career in athletic photography of well over a decade to support my growth and learning as I become a Physician. My goal will be to keep people as healthy as possible and focus on preventative maintenance and balanced lifestyle.  My school is Bastyr University, California.

Please view the video I made with a colleague in support of our medical school, and if you love it please vote for #7 before Dec.31st, 2012.  It is part of a new student scholarship award competition with the Association of Naturopathic Medical Schools.


I will continue to shoot athletic and lifestyle portraits in my Santa Monica studio and am opening a second studio in San Diego.

Thank you for your support in this exciting health career endeavor.

It is going to require some major "bending" on my part but I am ready for the challenge.


